Current Federal Research Facilities and Administrative Rate (F&A)
On Campus - 54%
Agreement Date - 02/08/2021

Cognizant Agency (Agency responsible for negotiating ACRI's F&A rate)
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
Point of Contact: Arif Karim
Phone: 214-767-3261

Institutional Information
Organization Type - Private Non-Profit
Organizational Component Code - 60
Congressional District - AR-002
EIN Number - 71-0694931
Organizational Duns Number - 002593692
Unique Entity ID (UEI) K4FYB2EJVL32
UAMS Fringe Rate - Please contact the DOP Grants Accounting staff for the current rate

Animal Welfare Assurance Number

Human Subjects Research Assurance of Compliance Numbers
ACRI - FWA00000193 (Expires February 2, 2026)
UAMS - FWA00001119  (For UAMS information, including their FWA expiration date, visit the UAMS Office of Research and Sponsored Research Web Page.)

Arkansas Children’s Research Institute, in accordance with its FWA with the Department of Health & Human Services, adheres to all federal and state regulations related to the protection of human research subjects, including 45 CFR 46 (“The Common Rule”), 21 CFR 50, 21 CFR 56 for FDA regulated products, and the principles of The Belmont Report and Institutional policies and procedures.

Please send all ACRI grant correspondence to Phaedra Yount (
13 Children's Way
ACRI Slot 842
Little Rock, AR 72202-3591

Phone: 501-364-2469
Fax: 501-364-2705