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Arkansas Children's Hospital
General Information 501-364-1100
Arkansas Children's Northwest
General Information 479-725-6800
Contact us today to schedule your follow-up visit.
Call 501-364-3309 or email us at ACNCStudies@archildrens.org
Previous Glowing and Expecting study participants are invited back to the Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center for a follow-up study at ages 5, 8, 11 and 14.
These visits will be similar to your previous study visits at the Center including body composition measurements and blood, urine and stool collection. These follow up visits also include a fitness assessment including endurance and strength, and a visit to our Brain Lab (age 5 and 8 year only) and psychological development testing. During the follow up study visits you will also be asked to complete a MRI scan at Arkansas Children’s Hospital.
Visits can be split into 2 study visits in order to complete all of the needed assessments that can be a total of 9 hours. The family will receive a $300 check for completing the study visit(s) at each age level, to compensate your for your time.