The Arkansas Children's Hospital Auxiliary is a volunteer organization that supports patients and families through fundraising and service projects.

The Auxiliary supports Arkansas Children's Hospital through many fundraising efforts, including A la Carte, ACHiever Program, Holiday Card Project, Miracle Ball, PlayAway Gift Shop and Race for a Healthier Tomorrow.

Contact the ACH Auxiliary at or call (501) 364-1476 to learn more.

2024-2025 President: Brooke Hicks
2024-2025 First Vice President: Marisa Nabholz

ACH Auxiliary Events & Programs

2024-2025 Girl Program Chair: Melissa Morgan
2024-2025 Girl Program Chair Elect: Holly-Beth Willis
2024-2025 Boy Program Chair: Angie Johnson
2024-2025 Boy Program Chair Elect: Bess Grobmyer

The ACHiever program, founded to allow ninth grade students a unique opportunity to network directly with medical professionals and their peers and to raise funds and awareness for ACH, has been ongoing in the community over two decades.

We believe this program is beneficial in exposing young women and men to Arkansas Children's Hospital, introducing them to a variety of wonderful medical careers, and encouraging the importance of philanthropy. In addition to the community service hours earned through program attendance, ACHiever participants may earn additional service hours working in non-patient care areas— up to 40+ hours.

We're looking forward to the 2024-2025 ACHiever Program! Submit your application with the button below.

2025 Chair: Laura Crone 
2025 Chair Elect: Ashley Parker
2025 Silent Auction Chair: Lauren Dake

Mark your calendars for April 3, 2025, 6:30pm. 

A la Carte, hosted by the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Auxiliary, raises over $100,000 annually to make the children of our state better today and healthier tomorrow. 

Visit for tickets and sponsorship information.

2024 Chair: Allison Hester
2025 Chair Elect: Michelle Robertson

Since the hospital first opened its doors in 1912, patients have been using markers, pencils, crayons and glue to create beautiful artwork. In 1968, the ACH Auxiliary decided to share patient art with others by selling holiday cards, each featuring original artwork created by an Arkansas Children's patient. The Holiday Card Project has grown over the years, and now includes gift tags, such as ornaments, pencil pouches and cups.

The annual patient art contest runs from October—April.
In 2023, we raised over $67,000 benefiting the ACH Auxiliary funding priorities. Thank you to everyone who made this year such a success!

2024 Chairs: Brooke and Hunter Bale

Mark your calendars for December 14, 2024.

In 2006, the ACH Auxiliary teamed up with the Arkansas Children's Foundation to host Miracle Ball, its first black-tie fundraiser for the hospital. At this annual event, guests celebrate the joys of the holiday season and the miracles that happen every day at ACH. Miracle Ball has become the signature event of the social season in Central Arkansas, with a goal of raising more than $1,000,000 annually.

The 2023 Miracle Ball and Online Auction raised $1.03 million! Thank you to our sponsors and community supporters for your generosity!

2024-2025 Chair: Cara Porcelli
2024-2025 Chair Elect: Frances Mitchell

The Playaway Gift Shop is one of the oldest fundraising projects of the ACH Auxiliary. Playaway has grown from a rolling book cart to a 3,000 square-foot store prominently located in the ACH lobby. The gift shop is staffed by full-time employees, but Auxiliary members volunteer their time selling candy, wrapping gifts and sharing hugs with weary patients and family members. But most importantly, they raise funds to support the hospital.

2024 Chair: Stacey Dvorak

On Saturday, October 5, 2024, the ACH Auxiliary and community volunteers will host a family-friendly timed 5k race and 1k family walk.

Arkansans from all four corners can participate in the physical race, as a virtual runner or with a personal online fundraising page.  All ages and physical levels are encouraged to participate. Register now and start a fundraising team at