Study Overview

The goal of this research study is to examine how effective a personalized, interactive asthma smartphone app in reducing asthma disease among adolescents age 12-20 years, who are at greater risk for future asthma attacks. The study will also look at the impact of sharing asthma-related information from the smartphone app with the primary care provider (PCP) on outcomes.

Study Eligibility

  1. To take part in this research study the child must:
  2. Be between the ages of 12 and 20 years
  3. Be able to read and speak English
  4. Have persistent asthma that is not well controlled
  5. Be prescribed a controller asthma medication in the past 6 months
  6. Have access to a smartphone (Android or iPhone) with a data plan compatible with the study app or have a computer with reliable internet connection

Principal Investigator

Dr. Tamara Perry


For more information, contact Rita Hudson Brown, Research Coordinator at 501-364-1538.